they say oakland will always be warmer than san francisco. they're right so far. every day in oakland is sunny and a balmy 75-80 degrees. drive down 8th onto the freeway, over the bay bridge and into the city and it's a different story. let's just say i'm glad i brought my fleece.
i'm glad i brought my energy too. if this summer is going to be one of quickly made and deeply held friendships like i hope it well then i'm going to need to stay charged. 7am mornings that run through both cities from work site to work site will be rough. so far my energy is kept up by:
lovely morning quiet times. i'm taking advantage of my inner east coast clock!
good conversations
and, as you can see by the picture: delicious ethnic food many times a week. hopefully there will be something up on the food blog soon about the oakland vegan scene. i just have to catch my breath!
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